Tips, tricks, and more.
Helping you navigate the business world.
Storytelling. What is it and why does it matter?
Our brains are wired to appreciate a good story. As marketing professionals, it has become critical that we focus on new ways in which we can keep our target audience engaged with our brand. Storytelling has become a great way to move and motivate our audience in a digital world. So, what exactly is storytelling, and why does it matter to you?
How to Avoid Burnout in the Workplace
Whatever the case may be, we have all more than likely had to make some adjustments to our everyday lives this year. With all these changes happening around you, you should also know how to avoid burnout in the workplace!
Best Interview Questions to Ask Marketing Candidates
There are many great questions that you can ask a person in an interview that help you to dive deeper into their psych. Whether these questions are to help you determine their knowledge base in a specific industry, or to find out what drives them to perform under pressure. We have put together what, in our opinion, are some of the best interview questions to ask marketing candidates.
Why Your Business Needs Marketing
You might be wondering why your business needs marketing. Marketing allows you to communicate, deliver, and offer something that is of value to customers, clients, and society. Learn more about how to improve your company’s marketing!
CCA’s Summer Playlist
Here is something fun just in time for Friday! We put together a playlist on Apple Music and Spotify of all the songs we can’t get out of our heads right now (new and old). Enjoy!
Crank up the WOW factor.
Looking to step up your marketing skills or maybe dabbling for the first time? We are going to talk about some of the top apps that in our opinion every business should be utilizing.
We're all in quarantine. Now what?
Working from home is great, until everything around you gets shut down. Here are some tips on how to survive this time at home including how to continue networking, getting in touch with your clients, and adapting to this changing climate.
Font Pairing… Like A Fine Wine.
Our first blog post! Stuck trying to pick the right font duo? Sit tight; we’re here to help!